Our new area is awesome! It is the New York of South America! San Justo is a very affluent area with tons and tons of people living here. I am basically in downtown Buenos Aires. Just to give you guys an idea of how nice this area is, we have a McDonald's, Burger King, and a Walmart. I have not seen a Walmart in over a year.
This area will be a bit of a challenge, though. The San Justo ward has not had Elders in 6 years. There have only been 6 baptisms in the past two years. The Bishop had been asking our mission president for missionaries for a while and so that is why Elder Ehlert and I were sent here so suddenly. President Robertson told us that we have a big responsibility here. We are going to set the pace for missionary work in this ward for years to come. The Bishop is 28 years old and got back from his mission 6 years ago. He is very very very excited that we have come and wants to work with us as much as possible. My companion also wants to work hard! Elder Ehlert is from Alberta, Canada and got to Argentina a month after me. Both he and I are young blonde kids, we stand out here.

We are very excited to get to work. The Lord has given us a big job but he can make us ready to meet the task. We pray every day for people to teach and know that we will be blessed for all the work we put in.
Elder Gygi